True L95 Lefevre Pro Goalie Blocker
Now available at Goalies Plus are Pro L95 Goalie Blockers. All in-stock goalie blockers at Goalies Plus will have these features: To start with, all of our in-stock blockers will feature the new OPTIANGLE on the back wrist area. This new feature allows the blocker to present much squarer to the shooter versus traditional blockers. This feature has received very positive feedback at the Pro level. The palm size on our stock will be large (which is the normal stock size). The position of the palm will be the centered position. We choose to use the half cuff in the wrist area for better wrist mobility. The board angle is the angled option (again for better presentation to the shooter). Lastly, we used the very popular Sure Grip palm in all of our blockers.
The True/Lefevre gear is still hand made in Canada.
If you prefer to custom order your L95 gear, please contact customer service and take advantage of our 50% deposit and 50% due upon completion.
True L95 Pro Goalie Blocker Features:
- Model Year: 2025
- Made In Canada
- New OPTIANGLE Wrist Area
- Foams – High Density Board Foams for Explosive Rebounds
- Face – Binding-less Edges
- Sidewall – Segmented for Greater Feel
- Thumb Protection – High Density Foam W/ Soft Pillow
- Finger Protection – Full Wrap Around Protection W/ Pointer Finger Separation
- Cuff Opening – Segmented Half Cuff for Maximum Flexibility
- Cuff Strapping – Adjustable Velcro Strap at Bottom of the Cuff (On the Wrist Bone Area)
- Palm – Sure Grip Palm with Mesh Gussets
- Custom Orders: 50% Deposit – 50% Due on completion
Custom Order Your True L95 Pro Goalie Blocker at Goalies Plus!
50% Deposit to place your order!
50% Balance due on completion of your order
Go to True’s web site: and fill out the custom your custom colors and specs!
Email Goalies Plus at with your custom number provided by True